Business services
We know that as an SME you will have to handle a whole range of accounting, taxation, legal and structural issues. We also know that you as the business owner will probably be trying to manage these on your own in addition to running the operational side.
Our working style and team structure recognizes that you want to work in conjunction with your accountants. You may outsource aspects such as bookkeeping, payroll and management accounting but your overall requirement is that you can work with your accountant as your key business adviser. You want an accountant that listens and understands your business before giving advice.
We have designed our services so that you get to know as many of our team as possible. Our MD, Mark Hjertzen is always available to give you the benefit of his broad and detailed experience of SME’s and Owner Managed Businesses. Other members of the team are on hand to advise on areas such as taxation, accounting, company secretarial and audit. Whilst team members have specific areas of expertise they have a sufficient knowledge of other areas for our advice to include a consideration of any wider consequences that it might have. We look at the whole picture not just the part. For example, if we are advising on a tax matter we will consider the impact of the advice on your accounting policies and vice versa.
Our reputation is for helping businesses from conception through to sale or succession. We aim to provide the widest possible range of high quality, realistically priced services to businesses. We will be very pleased to help yours.
We can help
We work with you and for you, not against you.
Our experience, expertise and practicality will complement your own skills and can only enhance your business.